22 April 2007

1st Banana Prize

There was a point in time when international awards meant something, and receiving international recognition was the greatest honor.. of course that was before shenanigans started to happen, with the Civil Service Burea getting ISO awards, Bahrain's Airport getting best duty free awards, and Gulf Air being-named-not-a-loser award.

But of course the most recent award is quite valuable. The UN finally discovered that we builds socially and environmentally sustainable towns with the goal of sheltering everyone (I guess literally everyone, including Pakistanis, Yemenis, Syrians, Jordanians, maybe Iraqis nowdays), hence the reward to the great architect of our civilization.

Now excuse me, I have to go clap my hands to keep Tinkerbelle alive.


SILVER said...

do i smell a hint?? totally agree, awards these days go to people who pay for it

Anonymous said...

you are one of the best bloggers in town.. keep posting!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha please keep posting, ANONYMOUSLY, that is :)

NewMe said...

what is next a prize for elevating poverty!
why not?!
this islands officials can't be but concerned and working hard to achieve it...
great post like usual...

Seroo said...

you're too funny, I love it

LuLu said...

You know what worries me? This just tells the government that all its crap policies are actually GOOD. THE UN SAID SO!

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