Al-Menbar Islamic MPs just proposed a "full and comprehensive country media short term, medium turn, and long term strategic plans to protect religious beliefs and moral values. The plan should utilize radio, television, and tourism (huh) to further those goals."
Outstanding!! After all, who doesn't want to have a short term and medium term and long term plan to protect religion and morals?! I for one don't want to see my religion and morals disappear on me! But then, as a person over 21 years old and totally convinced that I can follow good morals without Al-Menbar and the Ministry of Information's on my case, I want to know more.
Let's read more:
وعزا د. علي تقدم كتلته بهذا المقترح إلى المساهمة بشكل عملي ومدروس في تحقيق المبادئ التي أرساها الدستور وميثاق العمل الوطني، والاستفادة من وسائل الاتصال الجماهيرية في إبراز بعض القيم الإيجابية، وتقليل بعض القيم السلبية في المجتمع البحريني، وإظهار مواطن القوة وتعزيزها، والتعرف على مواطن الضعف والسلبيات، فضلاً عن محاولة القضاء عليها أو التقليل منها في المجال الإعلامي والسياحي. وإبراز دور مملكة البحرين في المجال الإعلامي والسياحي كنموذج يحتذى به في العالم العربي. مشيراً إلى أن الدستور البحريني ينص في مواده (2، 5، 7) على ان دين الدولة هو الإسلام، وأن الأسرة البحرينية قوامها الدين والأخلاق وحب الوطن، وأن الدولة ترعى العلوم والآداب، لافتا إلى أهمية وسائل الاتصال الجماهيرية كالإذاعة والتلفزيون ودورها في الوقت الراهن في التنمية الشاملة
OK now you lost me. I'm not even sure what the guy is asking for! It could be that I'm just slow, but I really don't get the jargon.. and what does the constitution have to do with anything here anyway? I mean, I can't decide which is wasting our time more: this or the guy who is still fixated on transsexuals (update: he is still fixated and managed to get parliament to devote a whole session last week just on lesbians and transsexuals in schools!)
Let's face it, those MPs just have to tackle idiotic issue just to hide their inability to treat real problems in the country. That is a smart move actually since we are a conservative society that is swayed easily by religious and moral rhetoric. This also works very well with the government (someone is doing jumping jacks in joy for sure!). I want to keep my hopes up that at some point people will realize the retardation at play here and will start electing more competent MPs, but I really don't see that happening! With sectarianism rising and the government supporting those movements and suppressing political opposition, I guess we are in for a few years of good solid religious and moral "guidance"
Let's just hope it stops at that.
I saw that today, and have been reading about the "boyat" or transsexuals/lesbians in schools and have been just couldn't bring myself to write about this rubbish. I knew that given enough rope they will hang themselves.
Then I read about their media hijack attempt this morning, but unfortunately didn't have time to write about it, but expected that you would comment about it. You did both!
Thanks (بردتي القلب شوي!)
I feel soo lucky, i'll be taught how to be moral again, i'll learn the do's and don'ts i wasn't so sure about..
In Plato's Republic, Socrates promotes and argues for the idea of sensorship of media, poetry, and even goes to the length of justifying "white-lies" by the "government". Sadly though, our government is not formed of Philosopher Kings, who freed themselves from the chains of ignorance and, consequently, saw and abosorbed the form of the good. Or are they?
Mahmood as out of it as those people sound, I think they know what they're doing! I mean, people voted for them even though they're mostly morons because they had successful and strong private propaganda machines. Now they just want the Ministry to sponsor their propaganda.. and so far the Minister just seems too happy to oblige
P.S. I tried reading his proposal again and I think he just put in every Arabic big word he knows-- but next to each other none of those words made sense!
nurox: what's better on one's birthday than the gift of knowledge?
Isagreatphilosopher: "..You must contrive for your future rulers another and a better life than that of a ruler, and then you may have a well-ordered State; for only in the State which offers this, will they rule who are truly rich, not in silver and gold, but in virtue and wisdom, which are the true blessings of life. Whereas if they go to the administration of public affairs, poor and hungering after the^ own private advantage, thinking that hence they are to snatch the chief good, order there can never be; for they will be fighting about office, and the civil and domestic broils which thus arise will be the ruin of the rulers themselves and of the whole State."
الله يخلي النواب على يدهم انحلت مشكلة الاسكان و كل عائلة بحرينية صار عندها بيت سالفة انك تنطر بالعشر و العشرين سنة حق بيت الاسكان صارت من التاريخ و مشاكل التامينات الاجتماعية و التقاعد كلها انحلت و انزاحت مخاوف افلاس الهيئتين و جامعة البحرين صارت تنافس هارفارد و برنستون و اما بالنسبة لشوارعنا فاللهم زد و بارك شاقول و شاخلي اتكلم عن الانفاق و لا الجسور العلوية اللي الحين بس تنبني بسرعة حتى من كثرها مب قادر اعدهم و مصطلح الزحمة نسيناه .... فيعني انحلت كل هالمشاكل و ما بقى للمجلس الا معالجة المشاكل الاخلاقية ..... ما قول الا بس هاذي سيفوه و هاذي خلاجينه
whatcha ganna do lulu??
eat 7alwa and sip gahwa?
You’re people are useless you can organize your self’s because of the poverty you live in. priorities are different for people living under the poverty line and while they’re there dogmatic tenets dominates. Wealth needs to be distributed first.
anonymous a7sant.. hathi il ketabaat il wa6aneyya illi gaalaw 3anha fel jarayed ams ;)
error well in a constitutional country which this country seems to believe it is, what we do is elect parliament members to advocate the distribution of wealth and the reform of the country. In fact the poorer the areas were, the more active people were in elections (and previously, demanding constitutional reform) since they believed this would be an answer to their problems. In that sense I disagree with you: it was the wealthy who tended to ignore the political process since they had little to gain from it and were already comfortable with the old system.
Anyway about this post, I'd say Bahrainis are to Ssome extent aware of what's going on around us which is why people like this guy (Ikhwan, Salaf) are still unable to segregate our university for example or control us in the way they do in other countries. I do fear, though, that we are moving in that direction.
ppl like that piss me offffff
if god says elensan mokhayar not mosayar, who are they to try n control every aspect of our lives?
Seriously now, enough about "boyat" already. I can't believe parliamentarians want to even discuss these issues... Shouldn't these kinds of issues be discussed by the PTA for example. Do they have nothing better to do than rant and rave about some teenagers' sexual orientation? Apart from their other discussions such as backing [Monster Pay Rise] [as the GDN would put it] to the Municipal Councilors!! and the car of their choice, these guys and one girl need to be given courses such as politics 101 or somthing!!!
I'm new to the blogosphere, new to blogging -- I got into blogging because I want to explore and see something different.
One of my first stops in the blogosphere is here and what I see is the same stuff we have here in the US, politicians that just don't make any sense. LOL.
The more they try to legislate morality the more they drive people to immorality. And then the entertainment industry tries to seduce people to immorality too.
That kind of stuff pisses me off too, and it seems they don't have anything better to do at least not in the US.
Cool blog. I linked you.
eshda3wa: I think all religious-oriented people (of all religions) have an intrinsic tendency to want to control people.. no hope in changing that by any logic
Soulsearch: OMG the boyat thing never stops! I'm still reading about them! It's like 5 lesbians in a school will alter the fabric of our society!!
diamond ray: welcome to the world of blogs! (I'm kind of new myself)-- You're totally right, and with Islam it's interesting because the Quran proscribes certain types of behavior (i.e. don't drink) but in other places stresses on the "freedom" of religion and choice. Most of our politicians, though, tend to ignore the second assertion and try to enforce the proscriptions by law-- and it only works to drive people away from religion..
i had my share of this @ work :(
& must say enough is enough...
i am no sheep and i refuse to be!!!
democracy wasn't made for ignorant
nor fools
the level of intellect has to be raised before we ask ppl to vote and role
i am just so frustrated at Bahrains parliament
i thought among all gulf states we had the highest levels of liberal mentality.. seems i was living in lalaa land far too long!!
wish you love
I was gonna write about this but then I thought what the hell, I won't waste my breath or my words on this loser. He presumes to teach people morality?? I say charity begins at home.
I guess when you have nothing else to do... you create an issue for yourself!
This "Spring of Culture" ordeal is reminding me of the Danish Cartoons farce.
Only when we thought the "Boyat" issue could keep people in the parliment busy.
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